Setting up Circulation of Stock to Members

This will expain how to setup the Issue and Return of stock items to Members of the library


Members of the Libraries are people who use the collections of the library. The members may be allowed to borrow the items from the library. Papyrus will record which item is Issued to a member and the important information related to the loan when it is due and when it is Returned.

Members are grouped into Member Types

Accession Numbers or Barcodes

Each physical stock item in a library is uniquely identified by its Accession Number or its barcode. A barcode scanner can be used to expedite the entry of the unique number into Papyrus so that it can be issued or returned to the library member.

Accession Numbers are linked to a BRN catalog item and its corresponding Publication Type


This defines the number of items that can be issued.


An item in a library can be loaned by a member up to a specific number of days. The book must be returned to the library on or before that date.

If the Days is set to 0, then the load is a short load of less than one day and at the time of issuing the book, the number of hours can be specified. The default is 4 hours.

Due Date

This is the date, when an issued item is due to be returned to the library.

Days Grace

Once an item is due, a fine can be levied for items Overdue. This will be calculated after the due date plus the days grace.

If a book is 10 days overdue, and the Days Grace is 3, then the Fine will be calculated based on it being overdue by 7 days.

Fine and Days Per Fine

A Fine is added after the grace period for each set of Days per Fine.

For example if the Fine is 2.50 and the Days per Fine is 1, then 2.50 is added each day the book is overdue. If it is overdue by 5 days, the fine will be 12.50

If the Fine is 8.00 and the Days per Fine is 7, then 8.00 is added for each week or part thereof the book is overdue. If it is overdue by 9 days, the fine will be 16.00

If the fine is 0.00, no fine is levied against the member for overdue books. The Days per Fine must be great or equal to 1.

Lending Privileges

Members belong to a Member Type and the stock item has a corresponding Publication Type. These two factors determine the lending privilege.

Each member type will have privileges for each Publication Typespecifiying the Quota, Days, Days Grace, Fine and Fine per Day.

For example, a member type Grade 8 lending a Non Fiction may have a quota of 3, with a loan period of 14 days, 3 Days Grace and a fine of 1.50 for each day.

If the Quota is 0, no items may be taken. If the Quota is blank, there is no restriction at all.

Restriction in Publication and Member Types


Each type can define the Quota. For example if the Quota of a member type Student is say 4, then the maximum number of items that can be issued to this member is 4. This is irrespective of the lending privileges or the Publication Types of the items. If there is no restriction, set the quota to blank.

The Privileges of a Student may allow them to take out 2 Non Fiction and 3 Fiction. However if the Student quota is 4, the student may not take out a 3rd Fiction book if they already have 2 Non Fiction items.

No Issue After

If this is specified, irrespective of the lending privileges, all items are due prior to this date. If no restriction is required, leave it blank.

Maximum Fine

If a fine is calculated, it will be limited to the Maximum Fine if it is specified. Leave it blank if there is no limit.

Long Loans to members such as Staff for items like text books or reference books

A library may normally have loan periods of say 14 days. However, some items may be issued for a long period such as an academic year and are only due back at the end of that period.

Make sure the Stock items belong to a separate Publication Type such as Text Book. In the Publication Types, make sure it is marked as a Text Book type.

For the corresponding Member Type, set the privileges of this Publication type to have the loan Days to say 365 or even 400.

For the corresponding Publication Type Text Book, set the No Issue After date to the end of the academic period when they are due.

When a stock item is issued, the loan period will be set to say 400 days ahead. However the No Issue After date will limit the date due to the date specified in the Publication Type

Adding charges and fines to stock items returned which are faulty, damaged or lost

If an item returned is missing or damaged, a fine or charge can be levied. Various fines and charges can be set up under the Fines parameters. The amount can be specified and will be reduced to the price of the book if the book price is not zero. The stock status can also be changed so that you can process these books at a later stage

To levy a charge, click the Fault button which will then make the Fine Type and the Amount visible. Select the fine and amend the amount if you wish. When the book is returned, the fine will be added to their account.