This will explain how locations or multisite libraries are managed in Papyrus
Most libraries have a single building or physical Location. The library bibliographic details of the location are usually organised into Collections and each collection item is organised into a Shelf.
If the library only has one location, then the best solution is to keep it blank.
If the library has two separate locations, each with its independent or semi-independent librarians and staff, then the use of Locations is worthwhile. This page will explain how to set it up.
The Library Staff or Users, Members and Stock may belong to a location. If they are not allocated to a specific location, its location code remains blank.
Each Location has an 8 character code and a name/description. These are set up in the Parameters, General Parameters, Locations menu option.
If you want to location to generate its own set of Barcode numbers, select the Check Box next to the Next Barcode Number. Fill in the barcode number and any prefix should you wish.
By default, all library Users are created as part of the complete library, by keeping their location blank. If they are part of a specific location, this is set up in the Users parameters.
Once a library User is allocated to a specific location, many library functions are then directed at the specific location. These include the printing of Barcodes, generating new stock items, adding new members, OPAC searching
A library Member can belong to the entire library by leaving its location code blank or to a specific location.
If they are assigned to a specific location, only Stock items from that location may be borrowed. Also, OPAC is limited to searching in that location.
When a Stock item is created, it will be assigned a location code the same as the library User.